Monday, November 19, 2007

Tag, I'm It!

I am playing a game with my friend Tiffani. (You can check out her blog by clicking "Tiffani's Blog" on the link to the right). The game is to write seven things that you may, or may not know about here it goes...

1. I hate it when people take forever to find a parking spot. I prefer to just find a spot, no matter where it is, instead of driving up and down each of the aisles like a hundred times...sheesh (this especially becomes irritating to me during the holiday season.)

2. I don't ever listen to a CD all the way through. I listen to one song, (maybe more if I really like the artist) and then take out the CD to find a new one. This has become a bit of a problem today, because my CD player in my car will not eject the CD. I am now forever listening to Mat Kearney and Over the Rhine.

3. I really love animals, and wish that I could have a dog. If I could choose any type of dog, it would most definitely be a chocolate lab. I am still thinking about names, and am open to suggestions. :)

4. When I was a freshman in college, I had to come up with a list of 25 things I wanted to do before I died. I thought I was just being funny when I wrote this at the time, but I said that I want to be someone who dances upon injustice (from the Delirious song). I think it is interesting that that is the only one of the 25 I still remember...I still want to be someone who dances upon injustice.

5. I get giddy about the church I go to. It's like I wake up on Sunday morning and can't wait to get there. (Sometimes I even have a hard time going to sleep...I get so excited) I love the community, the pastor, the people I go with, the tradition, the location, the liturgy.

6. I love music and lyrics. My favorite song right now is the hymn "Come Though Fount of Every Blessing". I love the line that says, "Prone to wonder, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, Oh take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above."

7. When I was little, and someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I told them I wanted to be the voice of a cartoon.

So there you go...(Thanks for the game Tif!)

Tag, you are it:
Lissa and Nate
Sarah and Jeff K.
Eric T.
Katie and Cameron B.
Amy R.


Tiffani P said...

you are one of my favorites. nice work, missy.

The Butlers said...

Are we playing "Freeze Tag", "Tunnel Tag", "Cartoon Tag", or just normal "Tag". I want to make sure I know the game so I can strictly follow the rules and regulations.

Anonymous said...

Tag "I'm it" coming to a blog near you. Sarah is making me do it...